Suttles’ Boundary Oak

Suttles’ Boundary Oak

Quercus alba In December 1866, Fredrick Emert purchased 337 acres of land on the headwaters of Walden’s Creek in Sevier County, Tennessee, on the courthouse steps at auction. The deed of Fredrick Emert describes the property as “Beginning at a small white oak and...
Toll Oak

Toll Oak

In the late 18th century, the Cherokees operated a tollgate near this large oak. Travelers between the Watauga Settlements in Upper East Tennessee and the Cumberland Settlements in Middle Tennessee paid tribute to pass along this path. Under the agreement of the...
Trigonia Elm

Trigonia Elm

Ulmus americana Standing near the corners of three counties in the Trigonia community of southwestern Blount County, the massive American elm shaded almost a half-acre of land. It was over 160 feet tall, had a crown spread of 147 feet, and was a impressive 24 feet, 7...
Watauga Treaty Sycamore

Watauga Treaty Sycamore

Platanus occidentalis In May 1772 settlers established the first free government in North America as they formed the Watauga Association. The governmental body provided for the protection of the new colony and organized its own judicial and civil laws. Under this...
Pemberton Oak

Pemberton Oak

Quercus alba The soldiers of five wars encamped under the branches of this historic tree. The most famous were members of a Revolutionary War pioneer muster that helped change the course of the patriotic cause. In September 1780, Colonel John Pemberton assembled his...